Mising Baptist Kébang

Mising Baptist Kébang (Convention)

(An associate Member of Council of Baptist Churches in North East India)

Mission Centre: Gogamukh, Dhemaji, Assam-787034
Mobile No: 08472805649/09508107217
Email: mbk.convention@gmail.com@gmail.com

Ngolu sé kipabidung Mising Baptist Kébang Lenkang  2005 bosérékdo. Sido ngolu alék alék district aralo mission agerém Assam araso  Takam Mising Baptist Kebang, Jorhat, Dhemaji Mising Mising Baptist Kebang, Kulajan and aru odo omoido,  leader kéderdé  Mising Baptist Churcho mélena dungai aru mala dungai  net work organizationko lékopé aping  Mising Baptist Churches  sati aralok dungkampé édémipé  last  Conventiondo ngolu aminén minikto  Mising Baptist Kebang(Convention). Ngolu Runémé aipai émdung, Big ayang kaki ngolu asoritpé agerém gerropto aru ngolu aipai émdung Mission Secretary lok CBCNEI, Rev. Dr. Dusanu Veneiyo aru General Secretary lok CBCNEI Rev. Dr. Ngul Khan Pou bojék buluk ohainam ayang agerki batropkang MBK dé.

MBK President, vice-president, recording secretary 2014


Moinapara, Gogamukh-787034, Dist. Dhemaji, Assam. Mob. No: 09508107217.
Zonal Associations Né: 8
Lékopé Chuch: 100
Churchesé aru totalpé Baptist memberé: 4,063


1. Dhemaji Mising Baptist Kebang, Kulajan
2. Jonai Mising Baptist Kebang
3. Takam Mising Baptist Kebang, Kalbari, Jorhat
4. Majuli Mising Baptist Kebang, Lakhimi
5. Sonitpur Mising Baptist Kebang, 14 No. Gohpur
6. Sodiya Mising Baptist Kebang
7. Margherita Mising Baptist Fellowship, Jagun
8. Dhakuakhana Mising Baptist Association, Milan Nagar


Runé ayangém abako pala, Bik lumam :-Gikang nolu mopisé édiko taniyé du:gi lugobitoka, toriksuné takamé Tayéng amopé giyéku, toriksuman takamé Norok amopé giyéku, émpila ngolu Runék agerém gerropdung. Runék ayang. “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to the whole creation”


Ngolu méngkigé MBK  aralo lékopé aping  Mising Baptist Churchém, zonal associationém.

  1. Runék agomdém mishing aralo lugobinam, mishing tani Taléng amopé gidokupé émna.
  2. Assam bayirpésin Runék ager gernam.
  3. Lubinamé ngoluk Baptist churché Runé Jisuo:mé métin sunamdém.
  4. Lékopé dunamé Runék agergerné gurkalla CBCNEI lédilo. (Council of Baptist Churches in North- East India(CBCNEI).

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